SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Bloom’s Taxonomy

Athanassiou, N., McNett, J. M., & Harvey, C. (2003).  Critical thinking in the management classroom:  Bloom’s taxonomy as a learning tool.  Journal of Management Education, 27(5), 533-555. doi: 10.1177/1052562903252515

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What are the six cognitive domains of Bloom’s taxonomy of education objectives?
  2. How you would use Bloom’s taxonomy as a scaffolding device to increase your critical thinking in management?


Article 2: Research Synthesis

Denyer, D., Tranfield, D., & van Aken, J. E. (2008).  Developing design propositions through research synthesis, Organization Studies,29(3), 393-413.  doi: 10.1177/0170840607088020

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is design science research in management?  What are key goals of design science research in management?
  2. What are the four CIMO-logic components of design propositions for research synthesis in management and organizational studies?
  3. What are two alternatives to research synthesis in management and organizational studies?


Article 3: Job Crafting

Tims, M., Bakker, A. B., Derks, D., & van Rhenen, W. (2013). Job crafting at the Team and Individual Level:  Implications for work engagement and performance. Group and Organizational Management, 38(4), 427-454. doi:  10.1177/1059601113492421

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. How is team work engagement related to individual work engagement?
  2. How is team job crafting related to individual work performance? How it is related to proactive person-environment fit in the workplace?