Chapter Activities

Activity 1: Group Work

Students should form two groups. The first group will be assigned the Social Security Disability Insurance and the second group will be assigned the Supplemental Security Income.

Each group should discuss the following:  

  • What is SSI/SSDI?
  • What was the precipitating factor that led to the enactment of each?
  • What are the challenges with these programs? 

Activity 2: Compare and Contrast

Students will work in groups of four to compare and contrast the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Consider what provisions are missing in the ADA and discuss why the U.S. government should ratify the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Each group will then have 5–10 minutes to present their finds to the class.

Activity 3: Advocacy/Training

As a class, come up with ideas about training law enforcement departments about working with individuals with disabilities and how to recognize mental illness and respond accordingly.

Activity 4: Eugenics Research

Have students read through the history of eugenics in the United States described here:

They should research one of the events or court cases described and share the information to the rest of the class.