SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Wiley, T. G. (2017). Diversity, super-diversity, and monolingual language ideology in the United States: Tolerance or intolerance? Review of Research in Education, 38(1), 1-32.

Abstract: Each new demographic shift and economic or social change bring seemingly new issues into popular and political focus—questions, debates, and policies about the role of language in education and society and the recent claims that transnational migrations and globalization are resulting in unprecedented forms of ethnolinguisic “super-diversity. “This chapter addresses issues related to language diversity, policy, and politics within the U.S. context and notes recent trends and future projections. The first section takes as a point of departure a seemingly simple question from a popular television game show to illustrate some of the complexity in posing seemingly simple historical questions. The second major section considers how ethno-racial labeling and linguistic diversity have been constructed through time in U.S. Census data and considers their implications for claims regarding the allegedly unprecedented super-diversity of the present. The third part addresses how English became dominant during the colonial period, thereby establishing its position as the common language prior to the American Revolutions. The fourth section revisits issues and themes addressed in some of my work on the history of language policy, politics, rights, and ideologies. In particular, it focuses on the evolution of English-only ideology and how it became hegemonic during the World War I era. This final section is largely based on Wiley (2000) as it looks in relation to language policies in the United States at the differential impact of language policies on various ethnolinguistic groups in the United States.


Journal Article 2: Hernandez, D. J., Denton, N. A., & Blanchard, V. L. (2010). Children in the United States of America: A statistical portrait by race-ethnicity, immigrant origins, and language. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 633(1), 102-127.

Abstract: The rights that the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) enumerates include the rights to (1) an adequate standard of living, (2) an education directed toward the development of the child’s fullest potential, (3) the highest attainable standard of health, and (4) the child’s own cultural identity and use of his or her own language. The CRC states that these rights shall be ensured regardless of various statuses of children, including race, ethnic origin, national origin, and language. This article presents a statistical baseline for assessing the diversity of children in the United States with regard to these statuses, presents results for statistical indicators of well-being for children distinguished by these statuses, and discusses public policies to reduce inequalities relevant to these rights.


Journal Article 3: Abelev, M. S. (2009). Advancing out of poverty: Social class worldview and its relation to resilience. Journal of Adolescent Research, 24(1), 114-141.

Abstract: Children born into poverty in the United States are at higher risk for a number of nonresilient outcomes. An extensive body of work examines and then confirms the qualities of resilient children, emphasizing the importance of four social-psychological characteristics—social competence, problem solving, autonomy, and sense of purpose—and three categories of protective environmental factors—family, school, and community. Extant research has done an excellent job of identifying the protective factors, but more work is needed to understand the processes through which the protective factors influence positive outcomes. Through life-history interviews with 48 educationally resilient African American adults who were “at-risk” children, this study highlights the factors that facilitated respondents’ social mobility. By using an in-depth qualitative method grounded in sociological theory, it adds to the literature that identifies what are the protective factors, by elucidating the processes by which the protective factors operated in the lives of resilient adolescents. In this way it provides a view toward how and why the protective factors facilitate resilient outcomes, and does so through a connection with Bourdieu’s habitus and, specifically, how accessing the interactional style of the middle class fostered resilient outcomes for the study’s respondents.


Journal Article 4: Shikishima, C., Hiraishi, K., Yamagata, S., Neiderhiser, J. M., & Ando, J. (2012). Culture moderates the genetic and environmental etiologies of parenting: A cultural behavior genetic approach. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(4), 434-444.

Abstract: A cultural behavior genetic approach was introduced as a prospective means to describe psychological differences between cultures. We compared genetic and environmental influences on remembered parenting for samples of twins from Japan and Sweden. Data were collected from 720 pairs of young adult Japanese twins and 824 pairs of adult Swedish twins using the Parental Bonding Instrument. In both samples, a very similar phenotypic factor structure was developed for maternal and paternal parenting. However, the genetic and environmental contributions were different. Parenting in Japan showed more genetic influences, whereas parenting in Sweden showed more shared environmental influences. Moreover, covariation among the six dimensions of parenting (i.e., maternal and paternal Warmth, Protectiveness, and Authoritarianism) was due to genetic correlations in Japan and to shared environmental correlations in Sweden. These results are consistent with the cultural psychology argument that parenting practices are child centered in Japan but parent centered in the West.


Journal Article 5: Perrone, K. M., Wright, S. L., & Jackson, Z. V. (2009). Traditional and nontraditional gender roles and work–family interface for men and women. Journal of Career Development, 36(1), 8-24.

Abstract: In this article, we examine traditional and nontraditional gender roles and work—family interface for men and women. Recent empirical literature is reviewed and implications for career counselors are discussed. We discuss changing gender roles in career, marriage, and parenting and provide strategies for helping clients to cope with work—family role strain and to find a satisfying balance between life roles. Directions for future research are also discussed.