Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video Links

Video 1: Group Counseling with Children

Description: The University of Idaho Counseling and School Psychology Program presents a mock children’s counseling group, including a brief overview of the basic concepts and a video demonstration of the stages of groups with children. Both a 5-minute overview and a full 54-minute video are available (Flash Player required).


Audio Links

Audio 1: Evaluating Claims of Self-help Organizations

Description: NPR’s Talk of the Nation interviews Dr. James Gordon, who chaired the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy during the Clinton administration. Dr. Gordon also served as the first chair of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.

Audio 2: Researcher Studies Gangs by Immersing Himself in One

Description: Sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh befriended the leader of one of the country’s largest and most violent gangs and ultimately led the gang for a day.  His book Gang Leader for a Day discusses his 3 years in developing a relationship with residents inside the projects, and reveals how residents and gang members interacted, coexisted, and raised families.


Web Links

Web 1: The Role of Social Workers on Interdisciplinary Teams

Description: Social workers haven’t always been valued members of interdisciplinary medical and mental health teams. The Hartford Foundation has helped to change that, promoting the integral nature of social work in the healing process.

Web 2: Art Therapy for Soldiers and Veterans

Description: The “Wounded Warrior” art therapy program at Pikes Peak Behavioral Health Group helps soldiers at Fort Carson work through physical and psychological trauma after they return from combat. Their artwork is currently on display at the Fine Arts Center in Colorado Springs, CO.