Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Yu, Kyoung-Hee. (2012). Formal organizations and identity groups in social movements. Human Relations, 65(6), 753-776.
Abstract: Formal organizations advancing the goals of identity-based social movements and identity groups have become increasingly interdependent. The former often lacks legitimacy in the eyes of stakeholders and the latter typically possesses insufficient organizational capacity. In principle, the transfer of ideas and resources between formal organizations in social movements and social identity groups can result in organizational innovation that revives the formal organization while at the same time enhancing the status of the identity group. But in practice, collaborations between formal organizations and identity groups often result in identity groups being overpowered by formal organizations. This article compares outcomes for identity groups in two cases of trade unions adopting the causes of identity-based social movements to examine the role of organizational processes in explaining outcomes for identity group members. The findings from the comparative cases analyzed here suggest that identity group members must be able to influence organizational processes in order to impact how they are incorporated into the formal organization.
Abstract: This article analyses the effects of burnout in a sample of social workers from Malaga, Spain. The results obtained with the structural equations model confirm that burnout has a negative influence on workplace support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction and that workplace support has a positive influence on job satisfaction. Workplace support acts as mediator variable between burnout and job satisfaction and buffers the negative effects of burnout on job satisfaction and life satisfaction among social workers.
Journal Article 3: Diefenbach, T., & Sillience, J. A. A. (2011). Formal and informal hierarchy in different types of organization. Organization Studies, 32(11), 1515-1537.
Abstract: This paper addresses the paradox that despite all organizational change towards flatter and postmodern organizations, hierarchical order is quite persistent. We develop a differentiated understanding of hierarchy as either formal or informal and apply this analytical framework to several types of organization. The analysis reveals that hierarchy is much more widespread than thought; in particular, postmodern, representative democratic and network organizations are much less “alternative” and “hierarchy-free” than their labels and common understanding may suggest. The main argument is that the persistence of hierarchy in different types of organization can be explained by different dynamic relationships between formal and informal hierarchy.