Video and Multimedia

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Video Links

Video 1: Social Constructionism and Social Agreement

Description: Analyzes the social construction of reality and the associated unexamined assumptions and inferences with which we generally identify.

Video 2: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Description: A 3-minute preview of the full length documentary entitled Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Comments by scholars and educators in a cross-section of disciplines highlighting how the hierarchy of needs theory relates to such disciplines as business and psychology.

Video 3: Societal Inequality

Description: A brief video posing questions about the inequality in society. Good springboard to begin discussion around comparing and contrasting conflict theory and systems theory perspectives.

Video 4: Bandura and Social Learning

Description: An interesting discussion about Bandura’s social learning theory that includes illustrations and clips of interviews with Bandura and his famous experiments with the Bobo doll. This is a doctoral candidate’s project for an education class and Action Research Class.


Web Links

Web 1: Psychology Perspectives

Description: A summary of the various theoretical perspectives on human behavior from a psychological perspective.

Web 2: Social Work and Social Learning

Description: How does social learning theory apply to school social work? Counseling? This site talks about some real applications of this theory to social work practice.