Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: Why Men Never Get Over a Breakup
Description: In this Discovery News video, a study is discussed that found that men struggle with coping with a relational breakup in comparison to women. What are the factors why this claim is made? Do you agree or disagree with these research findings?
Video 2: Four People Unfriended Me on Facebook, So I Decided to Ask Them Why
Description: In this experiment, a person got unfriended on Facebook by four people and asked each person why this person “unfriended” him on Facebook. To find out why, several people are asked why they might get “unfriended” on Facebook. Have you ever got “unfriended” on Facebook? If so, how did you react?
Video 3: Do You Really Qualify for Divorce?--Michelle Rozen--TEDxNSU
Description: Dr. Michelle Rozen discusses whether couples are ready to get a divorce. Because divorce has negative outcomes, it is important to know whether divorce is the correct decision. She argues that divorce can be “contagious” because it is a social epidemic given that it is an option for dealing with a relational crisis.
Video 4: Break-Ups Don’t Have to Leave You Broken--Gary Lewandowski--TEDxNavesink
Description: In this TED talk, Gary Lewandowski discusses the effects of breaking up in relationships. Strategies to reduce the negative outcomes of breaking up are illustrated. What strategies can you adopt to avoid feeling damaged after a breakup or relationship failure?
Audio 1: Need to Break-Up With Someone? Call the Shop
Description: The lack of interpersonal communication skills in the art of breaking up is evident in our culture. In this NPR episode, “The Break-Up Shop” is discussed to enable users to hire another person to end a relationship for them. What is your perspective on the use of this company? What alternative disengagement strategies would you recommend to the users of “The Break-Up Shop?”
Audio 2: Finding a New Kind of Partnership Through Divorce
Description: Coping with the negative outcomes of a divorce is difficult. In this NPR podcast, Sarah Weeldreyer, a stay-at-home-mom, discusses the divorce process through mediation.
Web 1: Marriage Therapists Say These Six Things Can Slowly Kill a Marriage
Description: A Huffington Post article explains six things that can destroy marriages. How do these six strategies add stress to the relationship in the disengagement process?
Web 2: Ten Reasons People End Relationships
Description: What are some of the reasons people end their relationships? In this Psychology Today article, several factors are illustrated. What factor might have the most impact in ending relationships?
Web 3: Infographic: This Is How Your Relationship Will Likely End
Description: Examine the following infographic provided by the Fast Company to determine how your relationship will likely end. Upon examining this infographic, what facts surprise you about ending relationships?
Web 4: Help for Codependents Whose Relationships Are Ending
Description: In this PsychCentral blog article, Darlene Lancer discusses how codependents deal with the ending process of relationships. Because negative outcomes result from losing one’s long-term partner, understanding how to deal with the ending process is important.