SAGE Journal Articles

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Priem, J. S., & Denise H. S. (2016). What is supportive about supportive conversation? Qualities of interaction that predict emotional and physiological outcomes. Communication Research, 1–31. doi:10.1177/0093650215595074

This article focuses on the perceived notion of a supportive relationship and what develops over time. The communication is impacted by psychological and comforting dialogic exchanges. The research also touches upon the emotions, conversational experiences and stress as a basis for bonding in various relationships. Explicitness is explored an intention of communication.

  1. Discuss the complications of a perceived relationship in terms of communication.
  2. Explain the notion of bonding through dialogic exchanges.
  3. Discuss the role of emotion in the relationship stages.
  4. Explain the implications of intentional communication.


Pitts, M. J., & Miller-Day, M. (2007). Upward turning points and positive rapport-development across time in researcher–participant relationships. Qualitative Research, 7, 177–201. doi:10.1177/1468794107071409

This article reflects on the need to develop rapport building. The concept is related to researchers and may be applied to any situation that requires a relationship to be constructed. Relationships are discussed from a participant approach that indicates building rapport is not always a natural occurrence in communication. The need to redefine existing relationships and cross boundaries is explored through various methodologies. Turning points are examined as means of interpersonal connections, which may be positive or negative. Partnerships are often linked to dramatic turning points.

  1. Discuss the framework needed to build rapport in a given situation.
  2. Explain the process for redefining relationships as a means of partnerships.
  3. Discuss the limitations of crossing communication boundaries.
  4. Explain the role crisis or drama plays in turning points.