Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Audio Link 4.1: Investigation Into Private Prisons Reveals Crowding, Under-Staffing And Inmate Deaths
Description: Seth Freed Wessler reported on substandard medical care in privately-run prisons in the federal corrections system for The Nation, which may have led the Justice Department to phase out their use.
Audio Link 4.2: NYC Correction Officers' Union Head Charged In Corruption Probe
Description: The head of the New York City corrections officers union was arrested Wednesday on corruption charges. It's the latest development in a probe of alleged corruption inside the NYPD and City Hall.
Video Link 4.1: Surveillance video shows guards let teen prisoners fight
Description: Surveillance video from inside a local juvenile facility shows teenage boys fighting while the guards that are supposed to be supervising them stand back and watch.
Video Link 4.2: San Antonio Tourists Sue Austin Police Claiming Excessive Force
Description: Two people arrested by Austin police back in November have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the arresting officers.
Web Link 4.1: ACA Code Of Ethics
Description: Website for American Correctional Association Code of Ethics
Web Link 4.2: Drug Policy Alliance
Description: Website for the Drug Policy Alliance