Leadership: Theory and Practice
Eighth Edition
Review Questions
- What researchers are most associated with leader–member exchange theory?
- Explain the differences between in-groups and out-groups.
- How did the focus of research change from early research studies to the later studies?
- What were the findings of the Gerstner and Day (1997) meta-analysis?
- How does communicating through technology at work affect leader–follower relationships?
- What support is there for the validity of the LMX 7 Questionnaire?
- Explain the concept of leadership making, including each phase.
- What is meant by the term “empowerment” and how does it relate to LMX?
- What strategy do researchers typically use to evaluate leader–member exchanges?
- How can leaders best determine how trustworthy or reliable their followers are?
- Explain how leader–member exchange theory works, both descriptively and prescriptively.
- What is the relationship between LMX and employee energy and creativity?
- What are strengths of leader–member exchange theory?
- What are criticisms of leader–member exchange theory?
- How can LMX be applied to different levels of an organization?