Leadership: Theory and Practice
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Chan, S. C. H. (2014). Paternalistic leadership and employee voice: Does information sharing matter? Human Relations, 67, 667–693.
Abstract: The study examined the impact of paternalistic leadership behaviors, including authoritarian, benevolent and moral leadership, and information sharing on employee voice and whether information sharing moderates the effects. Using a sample of 286 leader–follower dyads collected from a manufacturing firm, the results indicated that authoritarian leadership was negatively, and moral leadership positively, associated with employee voice. Also, the positive relationship between moral leadership and employee voice was stronger when employees received higher levels of information sharing. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
Journal Article 2: Rowold, J., & Borgman, L. (2014). Interpersonal affect and the assessment of and interrelationship between leadership constructs. Leadership, 10, 308–325.
Abstract: Recent theoretical and empirical research focused on the role of affect in the process of leadership. It was proposed that followers’ interpersonal affect toward their supervisor biases the assessment of transformational leadership. In order to extend this work, the present study focused on other important, additional leadership constructs (i.e. transactional, laissez-faire, consideration, initiating structure, leader–member exchange, and ethical leadership). Utilizing data from eight empirical studies (total sample size N = 2213), it was found that liking considerably impacted the assessment of all of these leadership constructs. In addition, the convergence between these leadership constructs was biased by liking. Overall, the role of liking in the leadership process was highlighted.
Journal Article 3: Ferguson-Pare´, M. (2011). Perspectives on leadership: Moving out of the corner of our room. Nursing Science Quarterly, 24, 393–396.
Abstract: Perspectives on leadership developed through a career as a nurse leader are shared, including the author’s guiding vision, a valuing of nursing as knowledge work, how to create a learning organization that supports professional practice, and other lessons learned through experience. Readers are urged to find the leadership voice within, be courageous, engage surrounding opportunities, and be guided by their vision of what nursing should be in the future.
Journal Article 4: Koivunen, N., & Wennes, G. (2011). Show us the sound! Aesthetic leadership of symphony orchestra conductors. Leadership, 7, 51–71.
Abstract: We describe the leadership activities of symphony orchestra conductors with an aesthetic analysis. In contrast to a popular understanding of a conductor as an individual hero, we depict leadership as an ongoing relational process between the conductor and the musicians. Drawing on our field studies of four symphony orchestras and the literatures of music organizations, organizational aesthetics and aesthetic leadership, we develop three dimensions to study the leadership of conductors: relational listening, aesthetic judgment and kinaesthetic empathy. Our analysis contributes to leadership theory by emphasizing the importance of aesthetic elements, processes, embodiment and work practices.
Journal Article 5: Schilling, J. (2009). From ineffectiveness to destruction: A qualitative study on the meaning of negative leadership. Leadership, 5, 102–128.
Abstract: This article aims at analyzing the content and structure of managers' conceptions of negative leadership. Using semi-structured interviews, 42 managers were asked about their conceptions of negative leadership, its antecedents and consequences. Results show that the concept of negative leadership is associated with eight behavioural categories: insincere, despotic, exploitative, restrictive, failed, laissez-faire, and active- and passive-avoiding leadership. Negative leadership was causally attributed to the environment of the leader, especially the followers, the immediate working field, as well as organizational processes, structures, and resources were seen as potential sources for negative leadership. The main factors regarded as its consequences included negative follower feelings and attitudes, destructive follower behaviour, and devastating organizational results. An analysis of the relationship between the leadership categories revealed two underlying dimensions of human- versus task-orientation and passive versus active behaviour. Limitations of the present approach, implications for future research and organizational practice are discussed.