Leadership: Theory and Practice
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Ramthun, A. J., & Matkin, G. S. (2014). Leading dangerously: A case study of military teams and shared leadership in dangerous environments. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21, 244–256.
Abstract: In a qualitative case study, we described and explained shared leadership in dangerous contexts for military teams. We conducted eight semistructured interviews with shared, team, and military leadership subject matter experts in order to gain an improved understanding of the relationship between shared leadership and team performance in the presence of danger. We found the themes of mutual influence, leadership emergence, dangerous dynamism, and distributed knowledge, skills, and abilities provided rich description of the phenomenon. Specifically, our findings suggest military teams in dangerous situations use mutual influence and leadership emergence to share leadership and achieve high performance. Additionally, we found dangerous dynamism and distributed knowledge, skills, and abilities may moderate the relationship between shared leadership and performance for teams in dangerous contexts. Implication, limits, and recommendations are discussed.
Journal Article 2: Shooter, W., Sibthorp, J., & Paisley, K. (2009). Outdoor leadership skills: A program perspective. Journal of Experiential Education, 32, 1–13.
Abstract: Successful hiring, training, and pairing or grouping of staff requires administrators to consider the relationship between their programs' goals and the specific outdoor leadership skills of individual leaders. Authors have divided outdoor leadership skills into a three-category structure, and models of outdoor leadership have focused on skills from the perspective of the individual outdoor leader. In contrast, this paper proposes a model of outdoor leadership that addresses the perspective of the program. In addition to considering the language and structure of outdoor leadership skill categories, this synthesis of literature results in the suggestion of alternate and consistent terminology for outdoor leadership skill categories and presents a model that can be used to guide hiring, training, and staffing decisions.
Journal Article 3: Cullen, L., Titler, M. G., & Rempel, G. (2011). An advanced educational program promoting evidence-based practice. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 33, 345–364.
Abstract: Evidence-based practice has led to improved health care quality and safety; greater patient, family, and staff satisfaction; and reduced costs. Despite these promising outcomes, use of evidence-based practice is inconsistent. The purpose of this article is to describe an advanced educational program for nurses in leadership roles responsible for guiding teams and mentoring colleagues through the challenges inherent in the evidence-based practice process. The Advanced Practice Institute: Promoting Adoption of Evidence-Based Practice is an innovative program designed to develop advanced skills essential for completing evidence-based practice projects and building organizational capacity for evidence-based practice programs. Learning is facilitated through group discussion, facilitated work time, networking, and consultation. Content includes finding and synthesizing evidence, learning effective strategies for implementation and evaluation, and discussing techniques for building an EBP program in the nurses’ organization. Program evaluations are extremely positive, and the long-term impact is described.
Journal Article 4: Holmberg, I., & Tyrstrup, M. (2010). Well then-what now? An everyday approach to managerial leadership. Leadership, 6, 353–372.
Abstract: This article examines leadership in practice through an investigation of how 62 managers (including project leaders), competing in a cutting-edge environment, perceive and describe the characteristics of everyday leadership. Based on the common notion of fragmentation in managerial work, as well as the unfortunate lack of understanding of how managerial work relates to the overall work processes of the organization, the article addresses the integrated job of managing (e.g., see Barley and Kunda, 1992; Hales, 1986, 1999; Mintzberg, 1994). In this study, everyday leadership is uncovered as a sense-making process consisting of three sets of activities — interpretations, constant adjustments and formulations of temporary solutions. Another striking feature of everyday leadership is that, to a considerable extent, it is event-driven. We therefore suggest that everyday leadership, as an event-driven activity rather than an intention-driven activity, should focus on skills such as improvisation and the ability to tune in.
Journal Article 5: Hess, P. W. (2007). Enhancing leadership skill development by creating practice/feedback opportunities in the classroom. Journal of Management Education, 31, 195–213.
Abstract: Efforts to enhance students' management action and leadership skills are generally based on behavior modeling and experiential learning models. The classroom practicum approach to developing leadership skills described in this article enhances student learning by integrating a greater emphasis on the transfer phase of the learning process than is typical with either approach. By engaging students in opportunities for extended practice and informed feedback, this approach seeks to better achieve the conditions known to result in improved learning. Just as important, the classroom practicum approach seeks to achieve these conditions through a course design that is practicable even in classes with larger enrollments.