Leadership: Theory and Practice
Eighth Edition
Discussion Questions and Exercises
- What has led to the recent interest in followership research?
- What are a follower’s ethical responsibilities? How can a follower hold a leader accountable for organizational ethics?
- How do you explain that leadership and followership are co-created in a given situation by the individuals involved?
- What insights are gained by conceptualizing followership according to psychological concepts like Zaleznik’s?
- Using Kelley’s follower Typology, how can a leader motivate alienated, passive, pragmatic, or conformist followers to becoming exemplary followers?
- Chaleff states that “followers need to take a more proactive role that brings it into parity with the leader’s role.” What if the leader resists such a role transformation? What if the organization doesn’t support such an influential role for followers?
- Using Kellerman’s Follower Typology, what motivates a follower to be engaged? Is it loyalty to a leader, to one’s coworkers, to the organization, to the organization’s mission, or something else? How might that underlying motivation affect the level of engagement?
- What personal examples can you think of where followers have affected leaders and organizational outcomes?
- Compare the “reversing the lens” approach and the “leadership as co-created process” approach. Which concept of followership seems most useful to you? Why?
- Under “New Perspectives on Followership” one positive facet of being a follower is that followers “get the job done.” Followers carry out the mission of the group and the organization; they do the work. What, then, is the leader’s role in this process?
- What are some life lessons, job skills, or other competencies you have learned from a leader?
- Why do some followers become “henchmen” for toxic leaders?
- How can a person tell if he or she is psychologically susceptible to following a toxic leader?
- Are there generational differences in the types of authority figures that appeal to people today?
- What power resources do people in society have to challenge bad leaders?