Discussion Questions
- Watch this documentary--https://vimeo.com/178249464--and respond to the following questions: (1) where is the family from and what do you know about people from this country; (2) why do they decide to leave their country and would you do the same for your family; (3) where do they go, and how is their situation similar to and different from other people from this country in a similar situation; (4) how does the bond of their family contribute to their outcomes; (5) what part of this film resonates with you the most, and how did watching this film change or affirm your preexisting ideas about immigration? Explain.
- Read this article--https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jan/16/life-in-our-transgender-family--and respond to the following questions: (1) how is the family described in this story different from yours, and how is it similar; (2) what challenges might children of this couple face, and do you think most schools in America are ready to accommodate transgender students; (3) why do you think some families stigmatize their transgender children, and do you think this trend, the continued negative attitudes toward transgender people, will continue; (4) if a child desires to pursue sexual reassignment surgery, should they have the right to do this before they turn 18 without the parent’s consent? Why or why not?
- Read this article--http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-male-domestic-violence-shelter-20170804-story.html--and respond to the following questions: (1) why do you think it is less socially acceptable for men to seek assistance as victims of domestic violence; (2) why do you think most people don’t believe men when they share their experiences with domestic violence; (3) do you think that male and female victims of domestic violence should be housed together; (4) what are some of the unique needs male victims of domestic violence might require that female victims might not? Explain.
- Read this article--https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2015/11/how-parental-incarceration-affects-a-childs-education/414720/--and respond to the following questions: (1) what does the future of incarcerated parents need to look like to reduce negative effects on children’s education; (2) how might sociologists contribute to the task of incarcerated parenting reform; (3) are there other areas of a child’s life with an incarcerated parent that is affected other than education; (4) if the tables were turned in this study, how might you think parents would experience their child (or children) being incarcerated? Explain.