SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Krumer-Nevo, M., & Benjamin, O. (2010). Critical poverty knowledge: Contesting othering and social distancing. Current Sociology, 58, 693–714. doi:10.1177/0011392110372729
Poverty knowledge has made a long-term contribution to the images and representations of people in poverty. Yet one can find only limited analysis of poverty knowledge and the politics of representation. This article describes current directions in poverty knowledge and analyses the degree of their enhancement or their challenging of Othering towards people who live in poverty. Specifically, the article refers to the hegemonic narrative, which reflects and creates stigmatized and punitive representations of people in poverty, and to three counter-narratives that try to challenge these reductionist images: the structural/contextual counter-narrative, the agency/resistance counter-narrative and the counter-narrative of voice and action. The analysis highlights the critical value of each of the counter-narratives, while pointing to the possibility that specific usages of these stances of investigation carry the risk of themselves producing Othering and social distancing. The article concludes by referring to several approaches to poverty research which encourage a resistance to Othering through combining components of the three counter-narratives.
Journal Article 2: Maume, D. J., & Wilson, G. (2014). Determinants of declining wage mobility in the new economy. Work and Occupations, 42, 35–72. doi:10.1177/0730888414552707
This study draws from the 1979 and 1997 National Longitudinal Survey to compare patterns of wage mobility among the late boomer and millennial cohorts of young men. Estimating group-based trajectory models, the authors find that fewer men enjoyed rapid wage growth and more men fell into the steady and stagnant wage-trajectory groups. Furthermore, employment patterns in the new economy (e.g., changing employers, more part-time employment, and employment in low-end service occupations) increasingly determine the mobility rates of millennials compared with boomers and are stronger predictors of mobility chances in the millennial cohort than are family background and cognitive skills.
Journal Article 3: ElGindi, T. (2016). Natural resource dependency, neoliberal globalization and income inequality: Are they related? A longitudinal study of developing countries (1980–2010). Current Sociology, 1–33. doi:10.1177/0011392116632031
Contrary to predominant neoliberal ideology that argued higher economic growth rates would eventually lead to better results in terms of income distribution, the last three decades witnessed high economic growth rates accompanied by rising income inequalities in most countries worldwide. Abundance of natural resources in several developing countries had significant implications for their economic growth and subsequent income inequality levels. Further, neoliberal globalization manifested itself in increased foreign direct investment and trade openness impacted world economies significantly. This research examines the effects of natural resource dependency, neoliberal globalization, and state-institutional factors alongside the internal development model on income inequality in a set of 96 developing countries for the period 1980–2010. Models for Prais–Winsten regressions with panel corrected standard errors show that within the internal development model, population growth rates are the most significant factor in influencing income inequality levels. Natural resource dependency is equally important and is positively associated with increasing inequalities. More detailed analyses of different types of energy-rich countries reveal varying results exemplifying the importance of exploring how different types of natural resources might affect income inequality levels rather than their sheer magnitude. Consistent with previous research, foreign direct investment indicates a robust positive association with increasing income inequalities whereas trade openness exhibits a negative association signifying the positive effect deindustrialization that took place in advanced countries might have had on developing countries. Finally and counterintuitively, democracy is associated with higher income inequalities whereas institutional quality is negatively associated with income inequality.