Discussion Questions
- Read this article--http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-berkeley-protests-20170827-story.html--and respond to the following questions: (1) should anyone be allowed to speak on a college campus, and why or why not; (2) do you believe that violent or non-violent protests are more effective at achieving goals of the movement, explain; (3) should the American government work to restrict the voices of its citizens (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/02/24/republican-lawmakers-introduce-bills-to-curb-protesting-in-at-least-17-states/?utm_term=.9d8be62df5a7); (4) how might a symbolic interactionist define both sides of these protests?
- Read this article--https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/08/27/trump-expected-lift-ban-military-gear-local-police-forces/606065001/--and respond to the following questions: (1) how does the militarization of police departments influence public perception of freedom in American society; (2) do you believe that police departments should be present at protests in an effort to stop them or to ensure that people are allowed to express their views safely; (3) do you agree with President Obama when he stated that the militarization of police departments transforms them into an occupying force in the communities they are designed to serve and protect; (4) do you see any correlation between violence at protests and rhetoric coming from the President (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/07/donald-trump-police-don-nice-suspects-170729033723209.html)? Why or why not?
- What social issue is so important to you that you would be willing to participate in a protest? Why is it an important issue? What factors would contribute to your decision to go, and what factors might prevent you from attending? Do you believe that your participation in this protest would be more symbolic, or cathartic? Explain.
- Read this article--https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/sports/colin-kaepernick-national-anthem-protests-and-NFL-activism-in-quotes/--and respond to the following questions: (1) do you believe it is responsible for athletes to use their platform to express concerns about social issues, and why or why not; (2) some argue that the reason Mr. Kaepernick has been unable to secure work in the NFL is a result of his activism--do you agree, and why or why not; (3) should the President of the United States insert himself into this conversation, or stick to politics; (4) what are some of the “master frames” evident in this case, and do you believe the NFL is an appropriate place to address them? Explain.