Learning Objectives

LO 6-1 Explain the concept of intrinsic motivation and its primary determinants.

Intrinsic motivation moves us to perform tasks for our own innate satisfaction. The two main mechanisms of intrinsic motivation are need for competence and need for self-determination. The need for competence motivates us to gain satisfaction by stretching and exercising our capabilities. The need for self-determination motivates us to achieve the feeling of satisfaction and control gained through making efforts that are not reliant on any external influences.

LO 6-2 Differentiate among the various types of extrinsic rewards.

Extrinsic rewards are external contributions awarded to employees such as salary, bonuses, paid vacations, and so on. Seniority-based pay is guaranteed wages and salary increases based on the amount of time the employee spends with the organization. Job content-based pay is a salary paid based on the evaluation of a job’s worth. Skill-based pay rewards employees for the acquisi­tion and the development of new skills that lead to enhanced work performance. Performance-based pay is a financial incentive awarded to employees for meeting certain goals or objectives.

LO 6-3 Discuss the various facets of job design.

Job design is a method of setting duties and responsibilities of a job with the intention of improving productivity and performance. Job enlargement increases the range of tasks and duties asso­ciated with a job. Job rotation is a process of periodically moving staff employees from one job to another. Job enrichment entails increasing the scope of a job to make it more complex, interest­ing, stimulating and satisfying for employees.

LO 6-4 Discuss psychological empowerment and its components.

Psychological empowerment is the extent to which employees feel a sense of personal fulfillment and intent when carrying out tasks, together with a belief that their work contributes to some larger purpose. There are four main beliefs associated with psy­chological empowerment. Competence is a belief in a person’s ability to perform work tasks successfully. Self-determination is the understanding of skills, knowledge, and strengths that enable a person to make choices and initiate work tasks. Impact is the feeling of making a difference. Meaningfulness is the value of work tasks in line with a person’s own self-concepts and ideals.

LO 6-5 Evaluate various approaches to nontraditional work schedules.

Free agents are independent workers that supply organizations with short-term talent for projects or time-bound objectives. Part-time workers (similar to free agents) are independent work­ers that supply organizations with part-time talent for projects or time-bound objectives.

There are four main nontraditional work schedules commonly adopted by employers. Flextime means flexible working hours where you customize your own work hours within limits estab­lished by management. Compressed workweeks give you the benefit of an extra day off by allowing you to work your usual number of hours in fewer days per pay period. Job sharing is when one full-time job is divided among two or more people according to predetermined hours. Telecommuting means work­ing from home or from a remote location on a computer or other advanced telecommunications that are linked to the office.