Chapter Summaries

  • Leaders need a new set of practices to inspire a different kind of follower—one who now desires to succeed but also somewhat on his or her own terms.
  • IGNITE as a leader; DELIVER as a manager.
  • IGNITE followers by instilling expectations for change, growing the use of social media, noticing what competitors are doing, investing in real time information systems, thinking differently, and ensuring a clear vision.
  • DELIVER results by designating responsibility, empowering followers to act, listing employee strengths, initiating risk taking, verifying progress, exhibiting calm while under fire, and redesigning work patterns.
  • Your practices as a leader matter. Having command of both leadership and managerial practices enables you to set the direction for an organization and to design a working environment that produces results.
  • Design other’s success by accommodating the situation. Situational leadership considers followers’ competence and commitment as a basis for the kind of action that will best facilitate an employee. By leading with flexibility, you will likely be more capable of moving successfully into the third industrial revolution where personal expectations of followers will reflect their commitment and capacity to meet the challenges ahead.