Discovering Leadership: Designing Your Success
First Edition
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: What is a Wicked Problem
Video 2: Got a Wicked Problem? First Tell Me How You Make Toast
Video 3: The One Reason We're All Bad At Shopping!
Video 4: Mystery of the Missing Dollar Puzzle
Video 5: CEO Talk Radio: Why Decisions Fail
Video 6: Jonah Lehrer on Brainstorming
Web 1: How AI Will Change the Way We Make Decisions
Web 2: Five Dangerous Lessons to Learn From Steve Jobs
Web 3: The Most Underrated Skill in Management
Web 4: Wicked Problems
Web 5: Well-Structured Versus Ill Structured Problems
Web 6: Leadership That Gets Results