Essentials of Psychology
First Edition
Learning Objectives
Explain how psychologists study health and wellness.
- Define the illness-wellness continuum and describe how it is applied.
- Differentiate between the biomedical and biopsychosocial models of health and elaborate on how these models relate to the mind-body debate.
- Outline the health belief model and explain how it is related to health behavior.
- Outline the health onion and explain how it is applied to understand illness prevention and health promotion.
- Define the placebo effect and describe what it tells us.
Identify the main sources of stress and how it affects health.
- Enumerate the main sources of stress in our lives.
- Describe the effects of stress on the body.
- Explain how the immune system works and how it is affected by stress and other psychological states.
Describe how our thoughts, emotions, physical activity, and social support influence stress, health, and wellness.
- Discuss whether it is adaptive to block unwanted thoughts and emotions from awareness.
- Explain whether relaxation and exercise are truly healthful.
- Summarize the influence that feelings of control and optimism have on our health and wellness.
- Elaborate on why friendships and other forms of social support are said to be vital to our health and wellness.