Learning Objectives

Engage with the pioneers of psychology and become familiar with the trajectory of the field from its beginning until now.

  • Define psychology.
  • Explain whether psychology is the study of the human mind or of human behavior.
  • Outline how the fi eld of psychology has changed over the years.
  • Identify the important issues and areas of specialization in psychology.

Consider the methods, tools, types of participants, and ethical practices used to study psychology and evaluate its scientific rigor.

  • Explain what scientific methods are and why they are important.
  • Evaluate whether it is better to study people in laboratories or in natural settings.
  • Justify why psychologists devise subtle measures of behavior when they can just ask people about themselves.
  • Describe the various types of research designs.
  • Discuss the ethical concerns raised about using humans and animals in research.

Identify the major organizations and emerging branches in psychology, and explain the need to study a diverse group of people.

  • List the major organizations in psychology.
  • Identify the emerging branches of psychology.
  • Explain why researchers study diversity.