SAGE Journal Articles

Journal Article 1: Carter, R. T., Yeh, C. J., & Mazzula, S. L. (2008). Cultural values and racial identity statuses among latino students: An exploratory investigation. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 30, 5–23.

Abstract: The authors investigated the content and structure of cultural value orientations associated with how cultural groups view relationships, time, nature, and activity in a group of 107 Latino college and graduate students. The study employed the Visible Racial Ethnic/Identity Attitude Scale and Intercultural Values Inventory. A regression analysis revealed racial identity status attitudes predict value orientation preferences of human nature as evil, lineal and collateral social relationships, and a belief in harmony with nature. Five repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance revealed a mixed and good view of human nature, a sense of harmony with nature and a future preference. More complex preferences were found with respect to the activity and social relations orientations, reflecting a blending of Eurocentric and Latino cultural values.

Journal Article 2: Budhwar, P. S., Woldu, H., & Ogbonna, E. (2008). A comparative analysis of cultural value orientations of Indians and Migrant Indians in the U.S.A. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8, 79–105.

Abstract: Understanding the cultural value systems of nations is a key factor in anticipating the behaviour of business managers and employees in a specific business environment. Many research studies have acknowledged the impact of culture on communication across nations and its impact on business operations, however no study has attempted to measure and quantify the cultural orientations of people originating from one nation, but working in two different national settings. This study adopted Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's framework to examine cultural dimensions of a total of 580 Indian respondents comprising two groups: 429 Indian natives living and working in India and 151 Indian migrants living and working in the USA. It initially compares the cultural orientations of the total population of each of the two groups and then examines cultural differences in the same based on demographic characteristics consisting of occupation, gender, age, and level of education. The study found significant cultural value differences between the two groups on both levels of analysis. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed in detail.

Journal Article 3: Kemmelmeier, M., Jambor, E. E., & Letner, J., (2006). Individualism and good works: Cultural variation in giving and volunteering across the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37, 327–344.

Abstract: Building on previous research by Allik and Realo and Conway, Ryder, Tweed, and Sokol, the present study investigates whether cultural individualism is related to greater levels of prosocial behavior toward strangers. Focusing on regional variations within the United States, the authors found individualism to be positively related to charitable giving and volunteerism such that both were more likely to occur in more individualist states. Differentiating between different types of charitable causes, the authors found that cultural individualism was primarily related to giving to and volunteering for causes that were compatible with core individualist values, whereas no such relationship was found for religious causes and nonreligious cause that did not incorporate values of individualism.

Journal Article 4: Tweng, J. M., Abebe, E. M., & Campbell, W. K. (2010). Fitting in or standing out: Trends in American parents' choices for children’s names, 1880-2007. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1, 19–25.

Abstract: In an analysis of the first names of 325 million American babies born 1880 to 2007, parents have increasingly given their children less common names, suggesting a growing interest in uniqueness and individualism. The data are from the Social Security Administration’s database of names, a complete survey of Americans with social security cards. Common names decreased in use from 1880 to 1919 and increased slightly from 1920 to 1949 before becoming steadily less popular from 1950 to 2007, with an unremitting decrease after 1983 and the greatest rate of change during the 1990s. The results are similar when controlled for immigration rate and when examined within the six U.S. states with the lowest population percentage of Hispanics. This behavioral evidence of growing individualism complements previous research finding generational increases in individualistic traits on self-report measures.

Journal Article 5: Metcalf, L. E., Peterson, M., Shankarmahesh, M., & Lituchy, T. R. (2001). Cultural influences in negotiations: A four country comparative analysis. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 7, 147–168.

Abstract: Empirical work systematically comparing variations across a range of countries is scarce. A comprehensive framework having the potential to yield comparable information across countries on 12 negotiating tendencies was proposed more than 20 years ago by Weiss and Stripp; however, the framework was never operationalized or empirically tested. A review of the negotiation and cross cultural research that have accumulated over the last two decades led to refinements in the definition of the dimensions in the framework. We operationalized four dimensions in the Negotiation Orientations Framework and developed the Negotiation Orientations Inventory (NOI) to assess individual orientations on those four dimensions. Data were collected from a sample of 1000 business people and university students with business experience from Finland, Mexico, Turkey, and the United States. Results are presented and further scale development is discussed. Findings establish the utility of the dimensions in the framework in making comparisons between the four countries.