SAGE Journal Articles
Journal Article 1: Reiling, D. M. (2002). The “Simmie” side of life: Old order Amish youths' affective response to culturally prescribed deviance. Youth Society, 34, 146–171.
Abstract: In this article, an analysis has been provided of the counterintuitive affective response Old Order Amish youth make to unique cultural prescriptions for adolescent deviance, which have been constructed by adult Amish culture. Data reported on were gathered as part of a larger ethnographic study and through more than 60 in-depth interviews on this particular topic. Evidence was found that supports the basic principles of Terror Management Theory, although in an unexpected and indirect fashion. Rather than function as a specialized cultural-anxiety buffer against fear generated by the contemplation of mortality, as Terror Management Theory would predict, the deviance prescribed for youth culture produces high levels of anxiety and depression for Amish youth. In this cultural context, youth find existential value in adult, not youth, culture.
Journal Article 2: Jeong, Y.-J., & You, H.-K. (2008). Different historical trajectories and family diversity among Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans in the United States. Journal of Family History, 33, 346–356.
Abstract: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean American families in the United States share several similarities, but they should not be interpreted as the sameness. Each group has gone through different immigration trajectories, and family members in a group have had different experiences. To get further knowledge of different family experiences in contemporary U.S. society, the trajectories of the family relationships among different Asian ethnic groups are examined. We specifically look at the time from arrival to World War II, from World War II to the 1960s, and after the 1960s.
Journal Article 3: Rinderle, S. (2005). The Mexican diaspora: A critical examination of signifiers. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 29, 294–316.
Abstract: This article argues that the differences among subgroups of the Mexican diaspora are significant, as expressed through the variety of signifiers used to refer to various groups within this diaspora and affect intercultural communication and relations. The article first demonstrates that people of Mexican descent living within the current national borders of the United States can be considered a Mexican diaspora. It examines the lexicology and history behind five major signifiers—Mexican/ mexicano, Mexican American, Chicano/a, Hispanic, and Latino—used to refer to members of that diaspora and shows how they are the subjects of diasporic and postcolonial discourses. The article concludes with comments on three specific areas in which Mexican diasporic signifiers influence intercultural communication and affect communication research validity and provides suggestions for addressing these issues in future studies.
Journal Article 4: Lucas, T. (2009). Latino definitions of success: A cultural model of intercultural competence. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 31, 576–593.
Abstract: The present study sought to examine Latino intercultural competence via two separate methodologies. Phase 1 entailed discovering and generating themes regarding the features of intercultural competence based on semistructured interviews of 15 Latino adults. Phase 2 included conducting a cultural consensus analysis from the quantitative responses of 46 Latino adults to determine the cultural model of intercultural competence. The major results indicated that the participants, despite variations in socioeconomic and generational statuses, shared a common knowledge base regarding the competencies needed for Latinos to successfully navigate different cultures. Overall, the cultural model of Latino intercultural competence includes a set of skills that integrates traditional cultural values along with attributes of self-efficacy. The findings are discussed within a competence-based conceptualization of cultural adaptation and potential advancements in acculturation research.
Journal Article 5: Boddy, J. (2014). Research across cultures, within countries: Hidden ethics tensions in research with children and families? Progress in Development Studies, 14, 91–103.
Abstract: There is a substantial academic literature on ethics in research with children and young people in low income or economically developing countries, emphasizing the need to be aware of special cultural and social considerations. However, considerations of culture and ethnicity are not particular to development studies. This article draws on examples from my own UK research with children, young people and families, alongside a wider academic literature, to reflect on the need to address ethics considerations in relation to culture and ethnicity when working within ethnically and culturally diverse societies.