Video and Multimedia
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Video Clips
- What is Diversity? offers a basic introduction to the question about diversity and one’s cultural identities.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO-5.1: Dimensions of Your Cultural Identity
- U.S. Business Man Goes to Japan without Good Cultural Awareness
This humorous video demonstrates what can happen when an American tries to do business in Japan without understanding or attending to the cultural differences.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO-5.2: Understanding Privileged Cultural Identities.
- Introduction to Privilege
Mirrors of Privilege give a brief introduction to white privilege.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO-5.2: Understanding Privileged Cultural Identities.
Web Resources
- REACH (Respecting Ethnic and Cultural Heritage)
The REACH Center is a nationally-recognized non-profit organization that provides cultural diversity services.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO-5.1: Dimensions of Your Cultural Identity
- Wellesley Centers for Women
College website with research and support for girls and women.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO-5.1: Dimensions of Your Cultural Identity
- Peggy McIntosh and White Privilege
This seminal article on Unpacking the Knapsack helps people understand privilege.
Relevant Learning Objective: LO-5.2: Understanding Privileged Cultural Identities.