SAGE Journal Articles
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Learning Objective: LO 1-1 Education that is Multicultural
Summary: This article describes the educational debt that exists in U.S. schools for students of color based in four facets: historical, economic, political, and moral.
Questions to Consider: [Critical thinking questions based on the article to gauge student comprehension and analysis]
- Why does Ladson-Billings reframe a common concept known as the achievement gap to that of an educational debt?
- What does Ladson-Billings mean by the “Education Debt”?
- In her opinion, who is responsible for paying the debt, and who should receive “payment”?
- How has this article informed your thinking of the current rhetoric related to the “achievement gap”?
Learning Objective: LO 1-1 Education that is Multicultural
Summary: This article demonstrates the minimal changes that 23 teacher education textbooks have shown over a 20 year time span in their efforts to create more positive changes in their treatment of gender.
Questions to Consider: [Critical thinking questions based on the article to gauge student comprehension and analysis]
- While females have seen gains in math and science, many barriers still exist to gender equity. Describe some of your own and family members experience with 1-2 identified barriers to gender equity.
- In your own schooling experience, what did you learn about Title IX and what connections can you make between what you learned and what the article states related to Title IX?
- Consider a gender role stereotype that shows up in your own educational experience and in classrooms you are studying today. Name one and discuss how you might reframe that stereotype to bring about awareness about how normal it has become in your own educational setting.
- If the educational textbooks do not change, what will it take for practicing educator’s to demonstrate gender equity in their classrooms?