Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
Review this video for a description of distribution.
LO 12.1: Describe small business distribution and explain how “efficiencies” affect channels of distribution.
See an explanation for why some businesses locate next to one another.
LO 12.2: Explain how the location of your business can provide a competitive advantage.
The Psychology of Retail Store Design
Watch this video for methodologies used for the layout of a retail space.
LO 12.5: Explain the types of layout you can choose.
Factors to consider when deciding to buy or lease a space for your business.
LO 12.6: Present the circumstances under which leasing, buying, or building is an appropriate choice.
Resources Mentioned in Chapter 12
A website that highlights the economic development and site selection news broken down by every state.
Data on market segmentation.