Web Exercises

  1. TED talk – Visual Imagery
In this short TED talk, Tom Wujec describes how the brain creates meaning through visual imagery and constructing mental models. The video also discusses the role of spatial cognition in visual imagery, as well as the neuroanatomy involved.
2. Mental Rotation Exercise
This web link is to the mental rotation page of psychtoolkit.org. Here students can learn more about what mental rotation is and perform an online mental rotation task. Once they finish the task (5 training trials and 10 test trials) they are given their data that they can then analyze.
The website also includes discussion questions to stimulate students’ critical thinking of mental rotation, as well as references to articles.
3. Mental Rotation Quiz
This link is to a mental rotation quiz that uses visual stimuli comparable to what Shephard and Metzler used in their 1971 study.
4. Tacit Knowledge
The following websites have resources related to tacit knowledge.