Web Exercises

1. Brain Games “Attention”

The link below is to the Brain Games “Attention” episode website.  Students will find several brief clips from the episode as well as brief articles related to attention here. 


2. Attention Exercises

BrainHQ is an online brain training program that offers free access to some of its content.  (Students may also purchase a subscription for full access, if they would like.)  The link below brings you to 5 exercises designed specifically to challenge your attention.  As you select each exercise, you are brought to a page with not only the exercise but also a discussion about the attention skills it attempts to train.  Students may complete the exercises and report their experience in an online discussion forum. 


3. Online Tools for Better Attention and Focus

The following web link provides links to 10 online tools designed to improve attention and focus, which ultimately contribute to student success.  Ask students to select a tool and to report back whether it has helped increase their attention and focus.


4. General Suggestions for Improving Attention

The following links are to articles that discuss how we can improve our attention span. The articles are from popular sources, but do contain references to scholarly work.


