Cramming Sam's top tips from chapter 10
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The independent t-test
- The independent t-test compares two means, when those means have come from different groups of entities.
- You should probably ignore the column labelled Levene’s Test for Equality of Variance and always look at the row in the table labelled Equal variances not assumed.
- Look at the column labelled Sig. If the value is less than 0.05 then the means of the two groups are significantly different.
- Look at the table labelled Bootstrap for Independent Samples Test to get a robust confidence interval for the difference between means.
- Look at the values of the means to see how the groups differ.
- A robust version of the test can be computed using syntax.
- A Bayes factor can be computed that quantifies the ratio of how probable the data are under the alternative hypothesis compared to the null.
- Calculate and report the effect size. Go on, you can do it!J
Paired-samples t-test
- The paired-samples t-test compares two means, when those means have come from the same entities.
- Look at the column labelled Sig. If the value is less than 0.05 then the means of the two conditions are significantly different.
- Look at the values of the means to tell you how the conditions differ.
- Look at the table labelled Bootstrap for Paired Samples Test to get a robust confidence interval for the difference between means.
- A robust version of the test can be computed using syntax.
- A Bayes factor can be computed that quantifies the ratio of how probable the data are under the alternative hypothesis compared to the null.
- Calculate and report the effect size too.