Introduction to Policing
Around the World
These articles feature a comparative look at policing across the globe.
Around the Word 9.1
Source: Lappin, Y. (2012, May 9). Interpol holds high-profile international conference in TA. Police from 49 countries to discuss cyber crime, counter-terrorism, drug trafficking. The (Israel) Jerusalem Post, p. 6. Record Number: 13EBF7DB6C19B410.
Interpol is the world’s largest international police organization. In Tel Aviv, Israel, Interpol holds a three-day, high-profile international conference with senior police officers from 49 countries to discuss cybercrime, counterterrorism, and drug trafficking. Israel’s liaison with this organization tells The Jerusalem Post about the country’s growing cooperation with foreign law enforcement.
Internet-based crime costs countries more money than all drug trafficking combined, and European countries lose a total of 750 billion euros a year due to cybercrime. Targets include global financial institutions, state institutions, and even the Interpol website.
Ronald K. Noble, secretary-general of Interpol, told delegates, “I certainly do not need to convince anyone in this room that crime has become inherently transnational and can touch our citizens from any country in the world where the Internet is in use. . . . What is more, the Internet also facilitates the dissemination of violent, extreme and radical ideologies, enabling radical leaders to reach friendly ears right in our communities and in all corners of the world.”
One of Israel’s first decisions as a sovereign country was to join Interpol in 1949. Today, Israeli police instantly share information, issue international arrest warrants, and receive such warrants through Interpol’s secure Internet network, which connects the Israeli police to 189 Interpol members.
- Considering the risks to national security, do you believe the government should limit access to the Internet or secretly monitor Internet activity?
- What steps can law enforcement agencies in the United States take to prevent cybercrime?
- Because the Internet has international applications, should law enforcement agencies in other countries be able to monitor the Internet activities of U.S. citizens without their knowledge? Why or why not?