SAGE Journal Articles
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Article 1.
Gray, M., & Coates, J. (2013). Changing values and valuing change: Toward an ecospiritual perspective in social work. International Social Work, 56(3), 356-368. doi:10.1177/0020872812474009
This article explores the ecopspiritual perspective and its compatibility with social work values and principles.
- Describe the basic tenets of the ecospiritual perspective and how it aims to address the anthropocentric bias in traditional views of the natural world.
- How does ecospirituality distinguish itself from the New Age spiritual movement?
- What do ecospirituality and social work principles have in common?
Article 2.
Shaw, T. V. (2013). Is social work a green profession? an examination of environmental beliefs. Journal of Social Work, 13(1), 3-29. doi:10.1177/1468017311407555
Reporting on a national survey of social workers, this article explores social workers’ knowledge of and attitudes about environmental issues. Findings suggest that more work is needed to integrate ecological/environmental concerns into social work education and practice.
- What is the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP)? How does it differ from the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) with respect to ecological and social concerns?
- What does this study reveal about social workers’ level of environmental concern as compared to the general population?
- Based on these findings, what recommendations would you make for strengthening social workers’ understanding of environmental issues and commitment to environmental justice?