Web Exercises
- Inspect the website maintained by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) at www.gasb.org, and particularly the section at http://www.gasb.org/jsp/GASB/Page/GASBSectionPage&cid=1176156714545. Describe the GASB process of standard-setting.
- Describe the resources available for evaluation researchers at one of the following three websites: The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University (www.wmich.edu/evaluation), the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (https://nnlm.gov/mcr/professional-development/program-evaluation/evaluat...), and the Independent Evaluation Group at the World Bank Group (http://ieg.worldbankgroup.org/).
- You can check out the latest information regarding the D.A.R.E. program at www.dare.com. Check out “About” “Mission|Vision” (https://dare.org/about/#MissionVision). What is the current approach? Can you find information on the Web about current research on D.A.R.E.?
- Evaluation research is a big industry! Two examples are provided by Mathematica Policy Research (https://www.mathematica-mpr.com) and the Policy Evaluation and Research Center at Educational Testing Services (www.ets.org/research/perc/). Summarize their work.