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Potter, S. J., and Stapleton, J. G. (May 2012). Translating Sexual Assault Prevention from a College Campus to a United States Military Installation: Piloting the Know-Your-Power Bystander Social Marketing Campaign. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27(8). 1593-1621.

This article seeks to add to both current knowledge about and promising practices of translating prevention strategies from one target audience to another. The authors describe how they translated, administered, and evaluated a bystander intervention social marketing campaign focused on sexual assault prevention that had been found to significantly affect attitude change on a college campus for a U.S. Army installation in Europe. The author’s findings contribute data on the effectiveness of sexual violence prevention strategies implemented with members of the U.S. Military.

  1. Identify some existing prevention strategies.
  2. How are the college campus and U.S. military installations similar?

Learning Objective(s): Not Applicable


Franklin, C. A., Bouffard, L. A., and Pratt, T. C. (November 2012). Sexual Assault on The College Campus: Fraternity Affiliation, Male Peer Support, and Low Self-Contraol. Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(11). 1457-1480.

Research on college sexual assault has focused on offender behavior to understand why men perpetrate sexual violence. Dominant theories have incorporated forms of male peer support, paying particular attention to the impact of rape-supportive social relationships on woman abuse. In contrast, Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime proposes that low self-control predicts crime and other related life outcomes—including the kinds of antisocial peer relationships that the male peer support model contends causes sexual violence. The exclusion of measures of self-control on sexual assault may result in a misspecified peer support model. Accordingly, the current research empirically tests Schwartz and DeKeseredy’s male peer support model and examines the role of self-control in the larger male peer support model of sexual assault. Implications for theory and research are discussed.

  1. What is one of the most dominant feminist explanations for sexual assault?
  2. What shortcomings did the research address?
  3. Identify the two theories associated with male peer support.

Learning Objective(s): Not Applicable