Video and Multimedia

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LO 6.1. Define interpersonal communication

Video 1: Interpersonal Communication
Description: This video provide further explanation of what interpersonal communication is and when it takes place.

Audio 1: Sisters Speak in “You Were Always Mom's Favorite”
Description: An audio story with famed communication researcher Deborah Tannen that discusses interpersonal relationships in the context of sisters and sister relationships

Web 1: What Is Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace?
Description: Article discussing interpersonal communication and its processes

LO 6.2. Describe different kinds of workplace relationships

Video 2: CNN News Special: Workplace Romances and Relationships
Description: An interview about workplace romances

Audio 2: Sex at Work: Right or Wrong?
Description: The audio news story deals with a sensitive workplace subject of sexual relationships in the workplace

Web 2: How to Build Positive Workplace Relationships
Description: An article that discusses positive relationship building in the workplace

LO 6.3. Explain the difference between professional and personal communication

Audio 3: The Clash of Ages: How Technology Divides Workers
Description: An audio story that discusses how younger workers are using social media during the day instead of working

LO 6.4. Discuss professional etiquette in the workplace

Video 3: World-Class Business Etiquette Training
Description: Description of business etiquette and manners

Audio 4: To Foster Communication, Bay Area Boss Cut off E-mail
Description: A story about a workplace where the CEO launched an experiment of no company email for a week

Web 3: 15 Business Etiquette Rules Every Professional Needs to Know
Description: Descriptions are provided of important etiquette rules to know in business situations.