SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1
American Educational Research Association. (2011). Code of ethics. Educational Researcher, 40(3), 145–156.


Questions that apply to this article:

1. To whom would this code of ethics apply? Does it apply to your research, and if so, how?
2. What are some of the guidelines listed under the ethical standards for maintaining confidentiality for educational researchers?
3. What are some of the requirements for informed consent with children listed here?          

Article 2
Kromrey, J. D. (1993). Ethics and data analysis. Educational Researcher, 22(4), 24–27.


Questions that apply to this article:

1. What are some of the “questionable practices” of data analysis this author outlines and why are they problematic from an ethical standpoint?
2. What are some reasons that ethical issues with data and data analysis might arise in research?
3. What recommendations does the author provide for mitigating these ethical issues?