SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1
Farris-Berg, K. (2014). A different model for school success: Empower teachers. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(7), 31–36.


Questions that apply to this article:

1. Who is the primary audience for this paper? Describe how you know.
2. How does Farris-Berg use of pronouns? What person point of view is used?
3. How is this article different from a more academic-oriented journal?


Article 2
Gallo, S. (2014). The effects of gendered immigration enforcement on middle childhood and schooling. American Educational Research Journal, 51(3), 473–504.


Questions that apply to this article:

1. Is this a quantitative or qualitative research report? Describe how you know and what features of that type of report are present.
2. How does Gallo problemize the study in the introduction?
3. Describe Gallo’s techniques for presenting the findings. What features of qualitative/quantitative research reporting are evident?


Article 3
Gallucci, C., Van Lare, M. D., Yoon, I. H., & Boatright, B. (2010). Instructional coaching: Building theory about the role and organizational support for professional learning. American Educational Research Journal, 47(4), 919–963.


Questions that apply to this article:

1. Who is the primary audience in Gallucci and colleagues’ study? Describe how you know.
2. Provide examples of the authors summarizing, critiquing and synthesizing in the literature review.
3. Do the authors follow all of the steps that were outlined in your textbook in writing their methods section? Provide evidence.