Discussion Questions

Discussion Question #1:

Discuss how you will communicate the results of your action research to others. What are the benefits of communicating your research to others? Have you communicated your research to others in the past? Why or why not? What do you feel the most comfortable and least comfortable doing? Why?

Discussion Question #2:

Reflect on your current teaching practices. What might be a better, more systematic way of doing this? Describe how you might work collaboratively with others in a professional learning community to improve your classroom instructional practices or other aspects of your current educational practices.

Discussion Question #3:

Describe how you might present your action research locally. Will your presentation be formal or informal? Who will be your audience? How will you use visual aids, and what will these be? Follow the seven main aspects of a presentation, outlined in the text, to create a draft of your presentation.

Discussion Question #4:

Make a list of the advantages of communicating the results of your action research. Are there any disadvantages of communicating your action research? Describe how you intend to bridge the gap between theory and practice. List how the advantages of research and the advantages of teachers’ voices can be “realized in concert with one another.”

Discussion Question #5:

Analyze your action research report for ethical behavior. Describe how you practiced ethical behavior when writing your report. Was it difficult to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of your participants? What aspects (i.e., characteristics, setting, etc.) were difficult, if not impossible to report? How will you improve upon this practice in future action research studies to improve your credibility?