Video and Multimedia

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Audio, Video, and Web Resource

Case 8.1: Who is More Efficient—Government Workers or Private Contractors?

Audio Resources

Audio 8.1.1: NPR: Health Exchange Tech Problems Point to a Thornier Issue
Description: Recently, the contracting debate emerged during discussions about the launch of the website. According to this report, why is the selection of contractors a challenge for government?

Video Resources

Video 8.1.1: Fox News: What to Cut? Federal Gov’t Takes on More Duties, as States Take on Less
Description: This news video reviews the government outsourcing debate. What assumptions are made about government and private sector efficiency?

Web Resources

Web 8.1.1: Competitive Souring: Conducting Public-Private Competition in a Reasoned and Responsible Manner
Description: This report outlines the Bush administration’s approach to competitive sourcing in the federal government.

Case 8.2: Keeping Volunteers Out of the Library? Battling the Teacher’s Union in Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Audio Resources

Audio 8.2.1: NPR: Volunteer Firefighters: Facing the Flames and the Mundane
Description: Local governments rely on volunteers for the delivery of many services, including fire services. This report from NPR explains the work of volunteer firefighters, who make up about 70 percent of fire service in the United States.

Web Resources

Web 8.2.1: Corporation for National & Community Service (AmeriCorps)
Description: If you are interested in public service, check out the programs run by AmeriCorps to determine if this might be a good path for your own entry into public service.

Web 8.2.2: Money Crashers: 15 Free Services & Resources at Your Local Public Library You Should Take Advantage of
Description: An article listing the myriad of benefits of a local library.

Case 8.3: What Do We Owe Vets?

Video Resources

Video 8.3.1: The Federal Employment Process: Veterans Preference and Special Hiring Authorities
Description: Rodney E. Leonard, Veteran Services Representative, explains the federal employment process for veterans.

Web Resources

Web 8.3.1: Veterans’ Preference
Description: The Office of Personnel Management’s site for Feds Hire Vets.