Video and Multimedia

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Audio, Video, and Web Resource

Case 6.1: Sunset, the Golden Retriever: Governor Schwarzenegger and the Restructuring of California’s Executive Branch

Audio Resources

Audio 6.1.1: NPR: No Hollywood Ending to Schwarzenegger’s Term
Description: Gov. Schwarzenegger attempted to use state ballot initiatives to ask voters to approve reforms. This story from NPR describes the defeat of his proposals at the polls and his efforts to continue reform.

Video Resources

Video 6.1.1: The Daily Show: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Description: After his time as Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger was interviewed by Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart. In addition to discussing state reform, he addresses controversies in his personal life that came to light after his time in office.

Web Resources

Web 6.1.1: New York Times: Russia Asks Schwarzenegger to Help in a Tough Task
Description: The reform efforts of Gov. Schwarzenegger described in the case study captured global attention, leading Schwarzenegger to consult with other countries on bureaucratic reform.

Case 6.2: Naughty Aughties: Has American Government Become More Centralized?

Audio Resources

Audio 6.2.1: Roberts Nominated for Chief Justice
Court influence the balance of power between the federal government and the states? Consider the discussion of federalism in this NPR interview, which occurred upon the nomination of John Roberts to the position of Chief Justice.

Video Resources

Video 6.2.1: CNN: Earl Devaney, Stimulus Watchdog
Description: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 brought about new transparency efforts, which the case study identified as a factor centralizing government. This profile from CNN introduces us to the individual responsible for implementing those transparency efforts.

Video 6.2.2: ABC News: New Orleans: Then and Now
Description: ABC News has archived news reports from their original coverage of Hurricane Katrina along with coverage on the five year anniversary. Consider, how did this event contribute to centralization trends discussed in the case study?

Case 6.3: Who’s in Charge When Fires Strike?

Web Resources

Web 6.3.1: Key Issues: Wildland Fire Management
Description: The U.S. Government Accountability Office’s page on Wildland Fire Management.

Web 6.3.2: How Federalism Is Making a Difference on Western Lands
Description: An article about federal management for wildlife conservation, touching on the issues of wildfires.