Video and Multimedia

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Audio, Video, and Web Resources

Case 11.1: Are Public-Private Partnerships the Future of Budgeting?

Audio Resources

Audio 11.1.1: NPR On Point: There’s Talk of $2 Trillion for Infrastructure. How Should the U.S. Spend It?
Description: Episode detailing potentials spending of infrastructure money.

Audio 11.1.2: NPR. U.S. Infrastructure Shows the Effects of Neglect, Smith Says.
Description: NPR’s Rachel Martin speaks to the executive director of the ASCE, Tom Smith.

Video Resources

Video 11.1.1: Last Week Tonight. Infrastructure: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO).
Description: John Oliver discusses the crumbling nature of America’s “not-sexy” infrastructure.


Infographic 11.1.1: Infrastructure Report Card. Infrastructure Super Map.
Description: Map detailing the grade and level of different types of infrastructure by state.

Web Resources

Web 11.1.1: Business Insider: Engineers Give US Infrastructure a 'D+': Here's a Look at How Bad Things Have Gotten
Description: Article detailing the need for investment in infrastructure.

Case 11.2: Going Black: The United States’ “Black Budget” Intelligence Operations

Web Resources

Web 11.2.1: CIA: The Dark Secret of the Black Budget
Description: Declassified article from Washington Monthly, May, 1987, on the black budget.


Infographic 11.2.1: Business Insider: Here’s a Fantastic Visualization of the US Intelligence Community’s ‘Black Budget’ Spending
Description: This infographic breaks down U.S. Intelligence Funding, leaked by Edward Snowden.

Case 11.3: From the Front Lines of Budgeting: Funding SEPTA


Infographic 11.3.1: National Geographic: This Graphic Maps the Greenest Modes of Transportation
Description: This infographic compares the efficiency of various modes of transportation.