Politics of the Administrative Process
Video and Multimedia
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Audio, Video, and Web Resource
Case 7.1: Poking through the Luggage: At San Francisco Airport, Private Contractors (Not the TSA) Inspect Your Bags
Audio Resources
Audio 7.1.1: NPR: Airports Consider Using Private Security Screeners
Description: This story about airport screening considers the debate about screening by private sector contractors.
Video Resources
Video 7.1.1: CNN: One City Outsources Most Public Services
Description: Contracting out services is not limited to the federal government. Many local governments have contracted out their services to private vendors or other governments for decades. This video provides an example from Georgia.
Video 7.1.2: The Daily Show: How Safe Aren’t We? The Sharper Luggage
Description: Comedian John Stewart reviews criticisms of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that illustrate the challenge of their work whether conducted by public or private employees.
Case 7.2: StateStat: Performance Management in Maryland State Government
Web Resources
Web 7.2.1: Maryland.gov
Description: The data and management system discussed in the case study can be found online. Click on “reports” and investigate the wide range of state services with performance reports available to the public.
Web 7.2.2: IBM Center for the Business of Government: What All Mayors Would Like to Know about Baltimore’s CitiStat Performance Strategy
Description: This report from the IBM Center for the Business of Government describes how Gov. O’Malley used performance data as a management tool when he was mayor of Baltimore City.
Web 7.2.3: Brookings Event: Data-Driven Government: A New Approach to Governing
Description: Brooking’s event on data-driven governments, including Maryland.
Case 7.3: The War on Zika
Audio Resources
Audio 7.3.1: Community Interventions for Pregnant Women with Zika Virus in Puerto Rico
Description: Dr. Giulia Earle-Richardson, a behavioral scientist at the CDC, discusses interventions to prevent Zika in pregnant women in Puerto Rico.
Video Resources
Video 7.3.1: Our Response to the Zika Virus
Description: Former President Obama’s official White House response to the Zika virus.
Web Resources
Web 7.3.1: U.S. Public Health Response to the Zika Virus: Continuing Challe
Description: Testimony from Lyle Petersen, M.D., Director, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).