Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: Embracing the Challenges of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
Description: Early childhood education teachers discuss the challenges of having children and families of various cultural and linguistic backgrounds and how they have worked with them.
Video 2: Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes
Description: This video by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center has a parent discussing her child and partnerships with her child’s providers and teachers. The parent discusses what has made partnerships with professionals meaningful and effective.
Video 3: Parent Reaction to Engaging in the Process
Description: This video by the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center has a professional and parent engaging together. The parent discusses what has been beneficial for her when working with early childhood intervention.
Web 1: Kids Count Data Center
Description: Find data and statistics by state and nationwide on children and families. Obtain data on demographics, economic well-being, education, family and community, health, safety, age, family nativity, and race and ethnicity.