Macro Social Work Practice: Advocacy in Action
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 14.1: What Is Evidence-Based Management and Why We Need It?
Description: In this video between the 0:00 and 6:00 minutes, the Center for Evidence-Based Management provides guidance for applying evidence-based practice in management practices. The video provides a six-stage process of assessing evidence and making a conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of evidence. The video also provides guidance with evaluating the types of evidence available in organizational settings.
Web 14.1: The Human Service Management Competencies Guidebook
Description: The Network for Social Work Management provides The Human Service Management Competencies Guidebook through this website link. This guidebook delineates competencies, along with performance indicators, necessary for the successful management of both public and private nonprofit organizations. The guidebook provides the framework to four domains: executive leadership, resource management, strategic management, and community collaboration. Used as a professional development tool, the guidebook allows professionals to gauge current skill sets by providing key indicators. Included is a supervisor’s assessment portion that professionals can use to garner feedback from their managers.
Web 14.2: Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Macro Social Work Practice
Description: The Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Macro Social Work was developed through a collaborative partnership with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and the Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice. The document intends to deepen our understanding and implementation of the nine generalist-level competencies of the CSWE 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) for macro practice. The guide is a resource for faculty, students, field instructors, and supervisors to help students and professionals to work effectively in the macro arena.
Web 14.3: Information for Social Work Practice
Description: Information for Social Work Practice is a website developed by Dr. Gary Holden from New York University Silver School of Social Work provides a website that helps social service professionals throughout the world maintain an awareness of news relevant to the profession and emerging scholarship.