Video and Multimedia
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Video 1: Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts, Motivation, Personality & Development
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: Learn how Sigmund Freud's theories helped shape our modern understanding of human motivation and personality development.
Video 2: Exploring the Two Cultures
Learning Objective: LO 1,2,3
Summary: Larry Squire: ‘Conscious and Unconscious Memory Systems of the Mammalian Brain’ Distinguished Professor Larry Squire (UCSD), whose pioneering work established the distinction between conscious and unconscious memory, discusses the structure and organization of memory. Simon Kemp: 'Unconscious Memory from Proust to the Present' Dr. Simon Kemp (Somerville, Oxford), explores how memory and the unconscious intertwine.
Video 3: Foundations: Freud
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: This lecture introduces students to the theories of Sigmund Freud, including a brief biographical description and his contributions to the field of psychology. The limitations of his theories of psychoanalysis are covered in detail, as well as the ways in which his conception of the unconscious mind still operate in mainstream psychology today.
Audio 1: Letters from Vienna - Freud's correspondence with Pastor Oskar Pfister
Learning Objective: LO 2,3
Summary: Sacred Psychoanalysis: the place of religion and spirituality in contemporary psychoanalysis. Delivered by Dr. Alistair Ross.
Audio 2: Freud's Impossible Life
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: Renowned psychologist, literary critic and essayist Adam Phillips delivers a public lecture at Wolfson College on his work on 'Freud's Impossible Life'. The lecture is introduced by the College President, Hermione Lee.
Audio 3: Freud on Sexuality and Civilization
Learning Objective: LO 2,3
Summary: Freud's brand of critical theory adds important dimensions; he argues that we can better understand our consciousness through the process of psychoanalysis--the talking cure, dream work, etc--and we can cure ourselves through this process as well.
Website 1: The Chicago Institute For Psychoanalysis
Learning Objective: LO 1, 2
Summary: The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1932. Thier mission is to provide professional training in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy and to enhance psychodynamic study through research and scholarship.
Website 2: Psychoanalytic Research Consortium
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: The Psychoanalytic Research Consortium (PRC) is a not-for-profit organization of researchers promoting basic psychoanalytic research, primarily through the use of our library of audiotape recorded sessions of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic or psychodynamic therapy. We are primarily interested in exploring the relationships between the processes of psychoanalytic work and the benefit to the patient, particularly long-term benefit.
Website 3: Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: The Columbia Psychoanalytic Center approaches the study of psychoanalytic theory and technique according to the university model. We are neither a trade school nor a seminary. Our goal is to investigate psychoanalysis from numerous angles, teaching the broadest diversity of theoretical models in depth and encouraging our candidates to think creatively and rigorously about their work.