Video and Multimedia

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Video 1: Overview of Qualitative Research Methods
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: Walden's Center for Research Quality serves the university community by supporting high standards in ethics, scientific rigor, and the dissemination of knowledge. The focus in this video is qualitative research methods.

Video 2: Psychological Research - Crash Course Psychology
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: Hank talks about case studies, naturalistic observation, surveys and interviews, and experimentation. Also he covers different kinds of bias in experimentation and how research practices help us avoid them.

Video 3: Andy Field on teaching quantitative methods to social science students
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: Andy Field (University of Sussex) discusses his experiences and views of what works well when teaching quantitative methods to undergraduate social science students, especially with mixed ability and low motivation students.

Audio 1: Introduction to Comparative Analysis (part 1)
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: The Workshop in Comparative Methods took place at the Oxford Institute of Social Policy on 12-14 January 2012; it provided an overview of and introduction into various comparative methods.

Audio 2: Introduction to Comparative Analysis (part 2)
Learning Objective: LO 1,2
Summary: The Workshop in Comparative Methods took place at the Oxford Institute of Social Policy on 12-14 January 2012; it provided an overview of and introduction into various comparative methods.

Audio 3: Chris Zorn on ’Big Data' in the Social Sciences
Learning Objective: LO 2,3
Summary: Chris Zorn discusses teaching quantitative methods focusing on (a) integrating contemporary data science approaches into undergraduate instruction, and (b) using "big data" examples to generate and maintain students' interest.

Website 1: The Web Center for Social Research Methods
Learning Objective: LO 1,2,3
Summary: This website is for people involved in applied social research and evaluation. This site provides a good amount of resources and links to other locations on the Web that deal in applied social research methods.

Website 2: Simply Psychology
Learning Objective: LO 1,2,3
Summary: The aim of the site is to write engaging and informative articles in an academic style, but still clear and simple enough to be understood by psychology students of all educational levels.

Website 3: AllPsych
Learning Objective: LO 1,2,3
Summary: AllPsych is one of the largest and most comprehensive psychology websites, referenced by hundreds of colleges and universities around the world.