ISLE Activities and Quizzes
Please note activities will pop up in a new window.
- ISLE 2.1. North Carolina Hot Sauce Contest Link
- ISLE 2.2. Method of Limits
- ISLE 2.3: Method of Constant Stimuli
- ISLE 2.4: Method of Adjustment
- ISLE 2.5. Point of Subjective Equality (PSE)
- ISLE 2.6. Magnitude Estimation
- ISLE 2.7. Steven's Power Law
- ISLE 2.8. Forced-Choice
- ISLE 2.9. Signal Detection Experiment
- ISLE 2.10. Signal Detection Theory
- ISLE 2.11. Signal Detection Theory and the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC curve)
- ISLE 2.12. Seeing with Myopia and Presbyopia