SAGE Journal Articles
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David Dunning and Emily Balcetis
Wishful Seeing: How Preferences Shape Visual Perception
Current Directions in Psychological Science February 2013 22: 33-37, doi:10.1177/0963721412463693
- In addition to the examples given in this article, what are examples of “wishful seeing”, and how do they influence our daily lives?
- What is the difference between perceptual sets and attention as mechanisms that contribute to wishful seeing?
- What is the relationship between cognitive dissonance and wishful seeing?
- How can personal preferences influence wishful seeing?
Patricia R. DeLucia
Effects of Size on Collision Perception and Implications for Perceptual Theory and Transportation Safety
Current Directions in Psychological Science June 2013 22: 199-204, doi:10.1177/0963721412471679
- How do perception of depth and time-to-collision relate to tasks such as driving and operating heavy machinery?
- What factors can affect time-to-collision judgments, aside from relative size? Which are the most influential in these judgments?
- What factors may affect time-to-collision judgments that were not measured in this experiment? Do you feel that the experimental conditions can accurately parallel what would happen in an actual condition?
Eric L. Amazeen
Box Shape Influences the Size-Weight Illusion During Individual and Team Lifting
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society May 2014 56: 581-591, first published on July 23, 2013 doi:10.1177/0018720813497980
- Does the size-weight illusion apply to non-box-shaped objects?
- What are the fundamental differences between the two experiments? Which one better tested for the size-weight illusion, and why?
- Would the size-weight illusion apply if lifting was not part of the equation? Or is it only the exertion of one’s own effort that adds heaviness to an object?
- How are the different senses involved in the perception of weight?