Welcome to the SAGE companion site for Essentials of Organizational Behavior, Third Edition!

Concise, practical, and based on the best available research, Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach, Third Edition equips students with the necessary skills to become effective leaders and managers. Bestselling author Terri A. Scandura uses an evidence-based approach to introduce students to new models proven to enhance the well-being, motivation, and productivity of people in the work place. Experiential exercises, self-assessments, and a variety of real-world cases and examples provide students with ample opportunity to apply OB concepts and hone their critical thinking abilities.

New to this edition:

  • New What's #Trending in OB boxes cover timely topics of OB trends such as social media addiction, data analytics, and virtual work teams during COVID-19
  • 10 new case studies on current events such as people analytics at IBM and Google, the COVID-19 pandemic and virtual work, and American Airlines' anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQIA+ workers 
  • New and updated research on topics such as global virtual teams, inclusive leadership, and grit. 

This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.


We gratefully acknowledge Terri A. Scandura for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Tristan Gaynor for developing the resources on this site.