Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Bernhofer, E., & Sorrell, J. (2014). Nurses managing patients’ pain may experience moral distress. Clinical Nursing Research, 24, 401–414.
Abstract: Bedside nurses care for patients with pain every day but the task is often challenging. A previous qualitative study that investigated nurses’ experiences as they treated patients with pain suggested that nurses may suffer from moral distress if they are unsuccessful in providing adequate pain relief. As 20 of the original 48 nurses interviewed described frustration and distress when constrained from doing the right thing to provide pain relief for their patients, the purpose of this secondary qualitative analysis was to answer new research questions on nurse moral distress related to managing pain. Findings indicated that difficulties in nurse/physician communication and lack of pain education were contributors to nurses’ frustrations and provided barriers to optimal pain management. Many participants indicated a need for inter-professional pain management education. Further investigation is needed to clarify the impact of moral distress on nurses managing hospitalized patients’ pain.
Journal Article 2: Twiddy, H., Hanna, J., & Haynes, L. (2017). Growing pains: Understanding the needs of emerging adults with chronic pain. British Journal of Pain, 11, 108–118.
Abstract: Emerging adulthood (18–30 years), in the Western world, is often a time of identity development and exploration, focusing on areas of work, relationships and education. Individuals with chronic illnesses, such as chronic pain, may be more vulnerable to facing challenges during this time. This study aims to investigate the needs of young adults (YAs) attending a tertiary level National Health Service (NHS) Pain Management Programme (PMP) Service in the United Kingdom; exploring how these needs may translate on to clinical assessment and the delivery of rehabilitation interventions.