Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Chamberlain, K. (2000). Methodolatry and qualitative health research. Journal of Health Psychology, 5, 285–296.
Abstract: The increasing turn to qualitative research in health psychology raises a number of issues about the appropriate use and relevance of qualitative methods in this field. In this article I raise concerns about methodolatry: the privileging of methodological concerns over other considerations in qualitative health research. I argue that qualitative researchers are in danger of reifying methods in the same way as their colleagues in quantitative research have done for some time. Reasons for the pre-eminence of methods are discussed briefly and their consequences considered. The latter include: a concern with ‘proper’ or ‘correct’ methods; a focus on description at the expense of interpretation; a concern with issues of validity and generalizability; an avoidance of theory; an avoidance of the critical; and the stance of the researcher. I offer some suggestions for avoiding methodolatry and some opinions on how we might develop and use qualitative research more effectively in health psychology.
Journal Article 2: Dures, E., Rumsey, N., Morris, M., & Gleeson, K. (2010). Mixed methods in health psychology. Journal of Health Psychology, 16, 332–341.
Abstract: This article has two purposes: to examine why mixed methods is a legitimate approach particularly well suited to health psychology; and to describe the challenges inherent in conducting mixed methods research. First, arguments justifying the status of mixed methods as a third paradigm alongside solely quantitative and qualitative frameworks are discussed. Second, a qualitatively driven model of mixed methods is illustrated using examples from a research program exploring the psychosocial impact of a rare, genetic skin disorder. The flexibility of a mixed methods approach enables the researcher to be responsive to a range of issues, but it is important the approach is used thoughtfully and appropriately.